How Does Covid-19 affect human body parts?

What Happens When You Get Infected by Covid-19?

COVID-19 is a virus and respiratory disease. It is transmitted through small droplets coughing and sneezing and touching infected surfaces. At the time of writing, we know that at least 80 percent of people infected with the virus will have no symptoms, including mild to moderate flu-like symptoms such as fever and cough. The remaining 20% ​​may get into a more critical case of coronavirus, pneumonia, or acute respiratory syndrome.
For many people, the virus presents with mild to moderate symptoms and does not require hospitalization. However, for others, the disease can be more serious and result in hospitalization, intensive care, and in some cases death.

COVID-19 begins with droplets, these droplets can be in the air or on a surface you touch, which you can then move when you touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Once the virus enters the body, it looks for a home in the lining of the nose or throat. It can take 14 days for a person to realize they are infected and have the first symptoms such as fever, sore throat, or dry cough.


The virus can continue to travel through the airways and eventually reach the lungs, where it can cause inflammation and infection that make breathing difficult.

Most of the cases of COVID-19 develop mild to severe symptoms, it is significant that the lungs remain fit during this time. Deep breathing exercises can be used for many patients makes sense.

How does COVID-19 affect the lungs?

The coronavirus can affect the upper respiratory tract (nose, sinuses, and throat) with flu-like symptoms, lower respiratory tract (airways and lungs), and cause coughing, with or without mucous membranes, and difficulty breathing. If COVID-19 is severe, it can cause pneumonia or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).

When the coronavirus is severe:

If COVID-19 penetrates deep into the lungs, pneumonia can occur. Pneumonia is a problem for the elderly because their lung capacity decreases require a longer recovery time and a weakened immune system with age.

Coronavirus pneumonia can be more serious, affecting many parts of the lungs, and causing shock, organ damage, abnormal blood clotting, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and poor health.

How pneumonia affects the lungs?

When healthy lungs are inhaled, the lungs and their 470 million tiny air sacs (alveoli) fill with oxygen. These tiny air sacs release carbon dioxide when you exhale and carry oxygen to the blood vessels.

Pneumonia causes infection and inflammation of the air sacs. This causes a build-up of fluid and inflammatory cells in the lungs and prevents oxygen from entering, causing severe breathing difficulties and a lack of oxygen in the blood.

A severe case of COVID-19-related pneumonia is being treated at the hospital.

COVID-19 pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) is life-threatening. This is an injury to the lungs caused by infection or trauma. This makes breathing difficult and causes a significant lack of oxygen in the blood. Lack of oxygen damages the brain, organs, and tissues of the body.

When Most people who develop ARDS in the hospital whose should undergo Treatment includes oxygen therapy to make sure the blood and body have enough oxygen to function properly. This may include installing a mechanical fan to ensure oxygen supply. Pain control and sedation are often used to prevent restlessness and shortness of breath. Fluids are given to prevent build-up in the lungs. In extreme circumstances, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) devices can be used to oxidize blood outside the body while the body fights infection and recovers.

Post-Critical Disease Syndrome (PCIS) often follows the critical illness of COVID-19. This can lead to weakness, anxiety, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and chronic shortness of breath. Pulmonary rehabilitation is the most effective used method as part of the PCIS action plan to help ARDS patients regain strength.

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